Shifting Perspectives & Embracing Your Path, Changes Everything!

Its September 5, 2024 and well, its been a time gettings started however, here we are. I am thankful for the progress I continue to make daily. At times, if I'm honest, it can be slow and challenging BUT I am working on changing that. This post, marks a point where I refuse to over think it and just simply take action. To take action, is to move toward my goals. However sometimes, this can look a little different for me. Sometimes, I struggle with knowing which actions are the right actions? I will tell you since I've left my 9-5, this continues to be a question I ask myself, a question that I still find myself looming over. I know that action must be taken but how do I know what's the "right" action for me. For my path? Can anyone even tell me that? I know that my business ventures don't even reflect a lot of the conventional steps that society processes. What I mean is, I reconize there are many patterns and steps people tend to take that meet a specific type of success (this is my objective perspective here) and well, I know that my pursuit for me to take that route would requirement to be everything but authentic to myself. To my own process. Simply put, its just not me. Its not authentic to how I am. I am learning daily to embrace my own path. A path that doesn't seem to be the majority and thats okay. At times it can be quite challenging on knowing what to do, the next steps to take, and to pursue the road less traveled. At the sametime, I've to some degreee, have tried it society's way. I will tell you, that for me, never made sense and when I begin to question the things I was doing, I quickly found that there's no way I would ever be able to fully commit to one line of work for someone else, for X amount of years or decades. It really feels soul-renching. I do know part of my path is walking my path, and finding my own purpose. What I didn't realize is how long it takes. There's no actual timeline in this process of finding purpose and self discovery and honestly, its not discussed enough. At 38, I am finally feeling like I am somewhat on my way, and even taking action which has been good, however it didn't come to me overnight. Hell, if I'm being honest, its still coming. I don't quite have the foundation entirely, talk about banking on faith and taking action with what you have in front of you, while using the skills you currently have. That right there. That's EXACTLY where I am. Taking action while not entirely knowing what the heak I am doing nor do I have all the answers, just simply moving myself forward through forward progress. A few days ago, I’d come across a youtube video by CoachValJ specifically her video, titled, How I ditched the hustle hassle and embrace ease and flow all the way to 5- Figure Months! 

The video for me, really allowed me to expand on my understanding of ease and flow. It allowed me to approach the way I was working in a new more practical way for me to make the progress that I desire to see. The STAG approach in writing down and seeing my Strengths, Talents, Abilities, and Gifts on paper really allowed me to take an account of what I can do right now while leveraging the skills and talents I currently possess. I’ve even decided to take part in the 30 day challenge of writing down and keeping an account of my Morning and Evening Intentions. I am currently on day 4 of the exercise but so far I will say I already see a shift in how I show up each day. I show up daily to continue to see the forward-moving progress I desire to see to obtain my goals. Talk about information finding you in divine timing! Part of my goals for the day, include writing a blog entry which I have done today thus far. I also plan to work a bit behind the scenes on this blog site along with writing copy for my another business venture that aligns with this blog and another business I have. And with all that on my plate, rather than choosing hustle, I am intentionally choosing Ease & Flow. 
